Monday 16 November 2009

A few eye openers!!!

Having spent a morning at the school so far (photos are coming I promise!), I have learnt some very interesting things.
Average class size is 55 pupils!
All children from 3yrs upwards sit at desks in rows!
All children know all times tables up to 25 by the time they are 7!!
Playtime is a nightmare!!! 5000 pupils charging round, some just play in the corridors throwing screwed up bits of paper to each other. But when the bell goes they settle quickly back into class.

They have a show next week (there are many performances to ensure all children can be involved and all parents can attend!), lots of children have been in the corridors practicing their dance moves! I have filmed some that I will upload later.
The school have asked me to extend my stay until the 25th so that I can watch the show, but I politely declined! Think I might get lynched!!

1 comment:

  1. You will get strung up if you spell lynch that way! Standards, standards MR H.
